Monday, December 13, 2004

Yes, I am still here...

Sorry for the long break between posts, I am not quite into the daily update routine. Anyway, I have a new experience to add to my list of "Things To Do At Extremely Late (oe early, depending on your perspective) Hours". I have been introduced to the world of blotting. This actually took place last Fri. nite and Sat. morning. If you've read Brooke's blog, you are already somewhat familiar with the activity. If you haven't, it involves a pie (or multiple pies depending on the number of people involved), a somewhat busy street (at least for midnight-2 am), and a camera/video camera to document the act. As Brooke also stated, the pie(s) do not get thrown at any cars. It's a unique experience, to be sure. I also got to do more caroling since my last post. First was the Bern/Sabetha YG Caroling on Sat. and then Garden Grove Sun. afternoon/evening. Both were a blessing. I will say this, however. Being the only song leader all Sunday and then leading all the carols gets a little tough on the vocal chords :). Honestly, it was just a long day, starting at 5:30 am Sunday morning through 11:30 that night.
This Monday's prayer meeting has left me feeling somewhat depressed. There are now people graduating that have been here at KSU for at least the same amount of time that I have, and I'm not so sure I will be able to handle them being gone very well. Make special note, this is a rare emotional moment for me. So I think I'll stop before I get too sappy or choked up :). Anyway, I hope everyone has a blessed holiday season, and pray that the true meaning of Christmas will be on each of our hearts.


Anonymous said...

oh...the memories created by blotting!
"precious memories, how they linger, how they ever flood my soul...."

Anonymous said...

Ash, I'm praying from home and started ever before I left. I'll miss you all at KSU. I do already--much more than I could ever have imagined, but God is saying, "Move on, move forward...." We all have to move forward with faith, wherever we are. Take care, Mitch