Saturday, April 04, 2009

BBQ and wine

So much for regular posting, but honestly, not a lot changes for me on a weekly basis. I kind of like it that way anyway. This is my first Saturday off that I haven't been traveling somewhere since my last post though. The best weekend recently has to be March 20-22. I went to my home state, the beautiful country known as Kansas, for a wedding, but I spent the Friday before in Kansas City. It was my introductory experience of an event known as "Que-Fest". All day Friday, all three meals, each at a different BBQ restaurant. We started at Arthur Bryant's for brunch, Oklahoma Joe's for lunch, finished with Jack's Stack for supper. It was simply amazing. I hope to be able to join in for many more years to come. As for the other part of the title, tonight is Holy Communion in Washington, so that will be on my mind today for sure. I have always felt that Communion is a very important and humbling event, and look forward to it each year. I love the solemn atmosphere and the opportunity to really consider the vastness of the love of our God, and His sacrifice in order to justify, sanctify, and ultimately glorify each of those He calls His children. It humbles me to the utmost every time. I just pray for grace to do a better job maintaining that humility each and every day, knowing that I am weak but He is strong.

In Christ,

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Nuthin' much...

Well, I guess this is my attempt at somewhat regular posting. Once again, I'm at Mika's (an excellent coffeeshop by my estimation), having had yet more problems with my computer at home. This time I think it is more due to my screwing around with it than anything else though. Anyway, as the title of this post suggests, not any real news or incidents to write about. I was reading Proverbs 1 the other night, and the last half of that chapter struck me as especially relevant to my current situation.
Verse 22 - “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?
How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools
hate knowledge?"

This is Wisdom's question to start the passage, and most of the rest describes those that reject her reproof and correction. How often do I find myself as a simple scoffer? This scripture convicts me to really take my study of the Word more seriously that I may glean real truths from it. I do take comfort from the last verse in the chapter and know that I can rest in my Lord.

Verse 33 - "..but whoever listens to me will dwell secure
and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Ok, so I think I might try to give this whole blog thing another go. We'll see how it goes anyway. I suppose there have been some things that have happened since my last post that are worth blogging about, even as mundane a life as I lead. Not that I wholly dislike mundane, I have certainly made conscious decisions that tend toward such a lifestyle.

As an update to my last post, I am now fully entrenched in the world of grease, oil, ATF, antifreeze, and cracked and torn up hands that is the auto mechanic. I have no immediate plans to change it at all. I am also now somewhat more comfortable with the geographic scattering of my family and friends. I have found God to be faithful in keeping love and friendships together despite the separation of miles. By now, 25 seems like a long lost memory, and certainly there are things that weigh upon my mind as other milestones of age rush to the present (anyone hear of that evil known as ...30?!?!?). Another development has more to do with how I perceive some less tangible things in life, namely my God, my salvation, and my calling as a brother to my Savior. I feel confident enough to name myself among...........the Reformed! Ok, now I've done it. This is a public blog, and now someone might find out. Oh no, what shall I do...hmmm, nope, not worried. To Luke, I have now added your blog to my feed, so hopefully I will be able to read and make constructive comments on the various articles and questions you pose therein.

As a side note, I sit writing this post at Mika's, the coffeehouse in Eureka. My computer at home has for some time had a gremlin that hinders me from google and its affiliated websites. It has evaded several concerted efforts of mine to remove it, and since blogger is now run by google, I have not been able to do anything but simply view my blog. I shall hopefully mount a successful attack on this gremlin, with the intent that I can then edit and post to my blog from home. If not, I guess I'll have to make an appearance at Mika's every other Saturday morning until something changes.

Peace and love to all the brethren,